Thursday, March 5, 2020

San Diego Academic Tutor 5 ways to Improve Concentration

San Diego Academic Tutor 5 ways to Improve Concentration San Diego Academic Tutor Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Concentration Students have so many things to concentrate on these days, and they’re encouraged to multitask at every turn. Unfortunately, so many difficult academic tasks can often lead to a serious amount of fatigue. When students are tired, they lose their concentration almost straight away, and that can make focusing on homework a major challenge. Once students develop this unhelpful cycle, the entire semester could be at risk. However, there are some great ways students can improve their concentration so they can get their work done efficiently and still have time left over to rest, relax, or just have some fun our private San Diego academic tutors are here to help you concentrate on your studies. 1.   Block out the world Although its important for students to be able to work as a team and socialize, sometimes its better to block out the world when a student needs to do some serious studying. Finding a quiet study space is important, but students can also listen to ambient noises or relaxing music in their headphones to help block out noise in a coffee shop or school library. Students are also encouraged to shut down social media and put their cell phones in another room, so theyre not tempted to take a quick peek at what their friends are doing online â€" which usually leads to several hours of social media surfing. 2. Meet with an organizational consultant Organizational and educational consultants have been working with students for years to help them make the study more efficient. In many cases, high school students are spending two hours completing an assignment worth two points and but spending 45 minutes trying to finish a three-page paper. Elementary and middle school students might not even understand what the percentage and points system means and dedicate equal time to every assignment regardless of what its worth. Organizational consultants can help students prioritize their time and manage different assignments by importance, often leaving them with more free time and increased concentration. 3. Boost self-esteem If students are worried about the grade they got on their last assignment or what their friends at school think about their contribution to the study group, theyre less likely to be able to maintain their focus. Its very normal for teens to have lots of different worries but those worries take away from mental focus. Its essential for students, at this age, to feel that their teachers and parents are proud of their work and receive compliments when they do something correctly. Students may also get a self-esteem boost from participating in sports or working on a creative activity. Its important they get to participate in something they excel in so that they can feel good about themselves and put that extra effort and focus on more difficult assignments (READ: San Diego Admissions Consulting: How Many Schools Should I Apply to?). 4. Limit time with electronics When students spend too much time on a tablet or laptop when not working on assignments, their eyes and brains can become overly fatigued. Students can spend some time in nature or just get a little bit of exercise to help counterbalance their lack of movement while studying or can download an app that cuts the amount of blue light they’re exposed to during extended study sessions. 5. Sleep One of the simplest and most effective ways students can improve their focus is to get eight or more hours of sleep every night. Of course, this is easier said than done, especially for college prep students who are trying to fit in SAT or ACT study along with their regular academic courses. Regardless, students who are running on empty during the day will have a difficult time focusing and find that relatively easy tasks become difficult. Adequate sleep is the key to maintaining concentration throughout a student’s academic career. Learn how to concentrate on your studies from our experienced San Diego academic tutors. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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